Information note ex art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003
We would like to inform you that the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 date 30.06.2003 (“Code about protection of personal data”) provides for the protection of individuals and other subjects with reference to the respect of the treatment of personal data. According to the said norms, such treatment shall be referred to the principles of correctness, legality and transparency and of protection of Your privacy and your Rights. As per art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003, therefore, we would like to inform You about the following:
1. Any data that You will provide shall be treated exclusively with the purpose of completing the procedures for receiving and accounting your donations within the campaign “Christmas with One day Sofia…” and of sending a communication to the subject that You have indicated as the addressee of the Christmas card and thanking letter ([addressee-name]).
2. The treatment will be done by means of a digital database.
3. The transfer of your data is elective, even if necessary in order to complete the actions connected to the implementation of the campaign “Christmas with One day Sofia…” and your potential refusal to provide them may determine the impossibility to complete the procedure of snting the Christmas card and thanking letter.
4. Data will not be notified to other subjects, nor they will be distributed.
5. The subject formally in charge of the treatment is the association “One day Sofia… Ricerca senza confini per la cura della Sindrome di Rett (Onlus)”, with registered offices in via Aurelio Saffi, 27 – 20123 Milano – Italy.
6. The responsible person for the treatment is Mr. Lorenzo Candelpergher.
7. You may, at any time, exert Your rights towards the subject in charge of the treatment, as per art. 7 of Legislative Decre no. 196/2003.
We would like to furthermore remind you that “One day Sofia… Ricerca senza confini per la cura della Sindrome di Rett (Onlus)”, as per Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, art. 24 paragraph h), is exempted from the obligation to acquire consent by the subjects affected by the treatment of personal data, in particular both those relevant for the subject making the donation and for the subject to whom it is dedicated within the campaign “Christmas with One day Sofia…”, as it is a no-profit organization acting within the corporate scope as determind and legitimated by the Incorporation Act and the Articles of Association.